
17 October 2017

FlamesCon 2017

Has another year rolled around already? It doesn't feel like that long ago since FlamesCon 2016 and here we are already!

So Dan stepped down from running the event this year, so I teamed up with friend of the channel, Gavin van Rossum, to run this year's event. We decided to run a couple of competitions at the event with both Flames of War V4 MW and Team Yankee both to feature. The point limit in both events would be set at 80.

Now, events like these don't get off the ground without the support of awesome sponsors, and we have those in droves this year to supply prize support.

So, a massive, massive thank you to:

If you get a chance, please head to one of these fine outlets and purchase their products!

So, like all good reports, I think the photos do more justice than anything I could write down....

The morning of Day 2 also saw the respective beauty parades for best painted army.

And then....the hostilities continued....

Gav also took a heap of shots over the course of the weekend and he's thrown them up over here.

And was time to crown champions and those who achieved mediocrity!

Team Yankee: Mediocre - Me!

Team Yankee: Best Painted Army - Wayne Turner

Team Yankee: Best Sport - Chris Townley

Team Yankee: 3rd Place - Leigh Watson

Team Yankee: 2nd Place - Gavin van Rossum

Team Yankee: First Place - Andrew Duncan

Team Yankee: THE SPOON! - Darren Morgan

Flames of War: Mediocre - Mike Haycock

Flames of War: Best Painted Army - Phil Petry

Flames of War: Best Sport - Craig Ross

Flames of War: 3rd Place - Jon Carryer

Flames of War: 2nd Place - Kit Goldsbury

Flames of War: 1st Place - Dan Linder (yes, actually.....)

Flames of War: THE SPOON! - Steve Eyles

Once again, a massive thanks to all our players and supporters! See you next year!