
04 June 2015

Awesome Sauce Thursday

Today marks the inaugural Awesome-sauce Thursday, the second half of our weekly regular blog content (for the other half, check out Tutorial Tuesdays here...).  In this article series, we focus on you the gaming hobby; what people are doing to improve our exciting hobby. This is intentionally left wide open, to include anything from showcasing awesome paint jobs, to discussing interesting aspects of the hobby.

The articles will typically be brief with a link for you to follow because we want to help these members of the community receive some well-deserved attention.  So without further ado here's two amazing blogs and projects we'd like you to have a look at:

Shawn Morris's Project ETC

Shawn's making an amazing table for the ETC. His process has all sorts of great tips and tricks for building your own table!

Martin Bond's Mars Attacks Campaign

Martin Bond plays through some Mars Attacks games with a narrative style. The twist to the story is that his worthy opponent is his daughter! Read on to see how gaming with your kids can enhance your gaming hobby!

Have some nominations for Awesome Sauce Thursday? Post them in the comments below and we'll collect them for next Thursday!

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