
18 June 2015

Waterloo 200

Today for Awesome Sauce Thursday we celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo (18 June 1815). To mark this historic passing, here's some pretty cool Napoleonic games and events  to have a look at!

Sparker's Wargaming Blog
Waterloo 200 Megagame - To the Limits of Glory?

GITSUM (Gamers Into Tactical Simulation Using Miniatures) gaming club
Waterloo 200

Wades World of Wargaming

Also, our local AWC will be running their Waterloo 200 this week (21 June) for those Aucklanders keen to have a look. You can find information here:

Auckland Wargames Club
Waterloo 200

That's all for this week! Thanks for stopping by.

Have some nominations for Awesome Sauce Thursday? Post them in the comments below and we'll collect them for next Thursday!

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