
02 July 2015


I've said it before, both here and on the podcast, that I'm not the greatest painter and nor will I ever be. But I'm trying to get better and I'd like to think that I've come quite a ways in the last couple of years.

One of the things that really makes me want to get better is looking at the amazing painting that other people do, whether that's in the flesh or through pictures online. The Internet is an inexhaustible source of motivation regardless of what your particular wargaming poison is.

So, here are a couple that I keep my eye on and when I need a little inspiration, just taking a look at some of the amazing paintjobs usually does the trick! I've broken this down into a couple of different areas but as I'm predominantly a WWII gamer, it has a little more attention....

Achtung Panzer on Twitter: This place has some of the most amazing paint jobs and dioramas of WWII AFV's I have ever seen! Some of the painting here is so realistic, you think you're looking at a photo.

While a lot of it is larger scale stuff, the inspiration you can draw from here is outstanding!

Twitter is great way to get inspiration on the go and also keep abreast of news and goings on in the gaming world. If you're not already on Twitter, I suggest giving it a go. You can even follow us there!

The Gallery on the Flames of War forum has player posted pics of works and discussions around them. I've found this to be an awesome place to learn a few new tricks. 

And of course, for all your other mini painting needs, where better to go but Reddit! They have their own subreddit, r/minipainting, which has an ongoing and ever growing list of great (and not so great) works for you to draw inspiration from.

Now, in providing all these wonderful means of drawing muse from, I invite you to take a look and just some of the efforts but remember that ultimately you're painting your toys. If you're happy with them, really that's all that matters!

And dont paint all your toys....

- Greg

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