
06 August 2015


Arguably THE biggest weekend on the gaming calendar, with possibly Essen matching it, happens around the beginning of August in Indianapolis. It's GENCON and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger! We didn't manage to make it this year but plots are afoot to make 2016 a reality, so we've hunted down some wrap-ups and sneak peeks for you.

From what I've read online and seen on Twitter etc, gaming has a future and the future is MASSIVE!

The dudes over at BoLS plug the 6 biggest trends they see in gaming coming our of GenCon:

Board games are still huge and the demand for them is growing and growing. The guys at Polygon show their top 5 new picks from what they saw:

FFG keep going from strength to strength as well, even after 20 years!

In other GenCon news, apparently the guys that GW sent over to work their booth didn't have the right visas to get in and were subsequently not granted entry to the USA....awkward much?

So....would you like to help us get to GenCon 2016? Watch this space!!


A run down of Able Kompanie's Flames of War events can be found here:

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