
22 February 2016

Damian's Japanese Tanks (1000-point lists)

by Damian

After reading (and re-reading) the tank lists in Banzai! I came to the conclusion very early on that in order to complete a force that will be dual purpose for the Pacific Theatre and Late War meant I would have to use different ratings to try and even out the all important “treads on the ground” count. So after trying and discarding a few failed attempts I came up with the following Sensha Rentai.

As it’s my initial 1000pts and will be expanded later on I decided to get my core choices completed as best I could. So, no Air support, and no Naval Gunfire Support... (Yet! *Evil chuckle…*) So, onto my list(s)...

Pacific War - 1000pts
Sensha Rentai
Fearless Trained

Regimental HQ (230 Points)
2 Type 97 Chi-Ha and
2 Type 95 Ha-Go

Sensha Company (130 + 325 points)
HQ: 2 Type 97 Chi-Ha
Platoon : 5 Type 97 Chi-Ha

Light Sensha Company (125 + 190 points)
HQ: 2 Type 95 Ha-Go
Platoon: 3 Type 95 Ha-Go

TOTAL: 1000 points

Late War - 1000pts
Sensha Rentai
Fearless Veteran 

Regimental HQ (155 points)
2 Type 97 Chi-Ha and
2 Type 95 Ha-Go

Sensha Company (80 + 200 +200 points)
HQ 2 Type 97 Chi-Ha
Platoon: 5 Type 97 Chi-Ha
Platoon: 5 Type 97 Chi-Ha

Light Sensha Company (75 + 190 points)
HQ: 2 Type 95 Ha-Go
Platoon: 5 Type 95 Ha-Go

Recon Tankette Platoon (90 points)
2 Type 97 Te-Ke (MG)

TOTAL: 990 points

As you can see, I maxed out the HQs so I wouldn’t need to worry about them later. No room for infantry or artillery you cry?! In 1000pts I’m going to need total saturation of tracked terrors to crush Marines with. Sixteen Fearless Trained tanks in the Pacific and Twenty five Fearless Veteran tanks in Late War should do the trick. Nine extra tanks to flesh out the Late War list isn’t bad at all when you look at the points comparisons between the two theatres of war.

And Japanese tanks do have a couple of neat little tricks. Hip Shot means they get a re-roll to hit at 16 inches or less on the move and Duty To The End should help these tanks stick around longer than they should… Should being rather optimistic of course as anything bigger than a rifle has a great chance at punching through their armour and ending their duty rather prematurely.

Check out my 1500-point lists here... 

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