
07 March 2016

Damian's Japanese Tanks (1500-point lists)

with Damian

Ok, part two of my list building... To keep the numbers as equal as possible between my two lists I found I had to add extra tanks to the Pacific War while my Late War received Naval Gunfire support in the form of a Destroyer. Close Air Support is an essential for both as, well to put it simply, I want a Zero.

Extra Ha-Go tanks and 2 platoons of Recce Te-Ke will be great to help flank any U.S force in the Pacific while Late War gets a boost with more Chi-Ha tanks to punch the centre lines.

Pacific War - 1500pts
Sensha Rentai
Fearless Trained 

Regimental HQ (230 points)
2 Type 97 Chi-Ha and 2 Type 95 Ha-Go

Sensha Company (130 + 325 points)
HQ: 2 Type 97 Chi-Ha
Platoon : 5 Type 97 Chi-Ha

Light Sensha Company (125 + 320 points)
HQ: 2 Type 95 Ha-Go
Platoon: 5 Type 95 Ha-Go

Recon Tankette Platoon (110 points)
3 Type 97 Te-Ke (2x MG, 1x 37mm gun)

Recon Tankette Platoon (110 points)
3 Type 97 Te-Ke (2x MG, 1x 37mm gun)

Limited Air Support (140 points) 
(Close Air Support)

TOTAL: 1490 points

Now for my Late War variant!

Late War - 1500pts
Sensha Rentai
Fearless Veteran 

Regimental HQ (155 points)
2 Type 97 Chi-Ha and
2 Type 95 Ha-Go

Sensha Company (80 + 200 +200 points)
HQ 2 Type 97 Chi-Ha
Platoon: 5 Type 97 Chi-Ha
Platoon: 5 Type 97 Chi-Ha

Light Sensha Company (75 + 190 points)
HQ: 2 Type 95 Ha-Go
Platoon: 5 Type 95 Ha-Go

Recon Tankette Platoon (145 points)
3 Type 97 Te-Ke (2x MG, 1x 37mm gun)

Recon Tankette Platoon (145 points)
3 Type 97 Te-Ke (2x MG, 1x 37mm gun)

Naval Gunfire Support (150 points)

Limited Air Support (140 points)
(Close Air Support)

TOTAL: 1480 points

Naval Gunfire Support from the Destroyer and the Close Air Support should suit my tactics well in Late War- bombard one flank while rushing the other. Simple, yet effective. Both lists will have this in my final 2000pts.

The lists are almost taking a life of their own as I add to them and watch them grow in parallel synchronicity.

Check out my 1000-point lists here... 

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