
11 March 2016

SWAG! Pacific Dice Review

with Greg

Now we all know that the guys on this show love dice. Those little hedrons that command how our toys live or die.

I mean, come on, we all need them to play right? May as well have a metric tonne of the things as well!

So, when we talked to the dudes at Dice of War about their products, especially around their FoW Pacific themed dice, and they said they'd send a couple of sets for review, we were stoked! So stoked in fact, that I've video reviewed them! Sorry about the crickets, but you can't quiet the ambient sounds of nature in summer....

Dice of War have a great range of dice for WWII and AIW and I'm sure their range will be ever-expanding. If you're in the market for some new dice, I recommend you head on over and check them out. A set of 16 dice will set you back $20.00AUD/$14.88USD/&10.85GBP plus shipping which is a great deal.

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