
06 May 2016

Dan's Marines WIP

with Dan

The Marines are getting ready to hit the beach! This week I've managed to find some time to catch up on painting and now it's all down to weathering and washing.

Marine Rocket Battery is done just needs a bit of grass and the base edges touched up I also managed to find the misplaced crew members hiding on a stick at the back there :( Overall I'm pretty happy with these mini's I only hope they are better at hiding the Soviet Rocket Batteries.

The Marines themselves have been ready and waiting for a while now. When it comes to painting I really enjoy painting the complex fiddly things first that way I can have fun painting the rest of the army.

I'm on the home stretch just washes to go on my LVT's it's been a fun project. The tanks are currently coated in a gloss varnish this will help me to move around my washes and clean up my mistakes.

As you can see on the 75mm I've gone with a 3 colour camouflage but left it simple on the 37mm LVT's. The tracks have been painted with a mixture of gunmetal and AK interactive dark tracks colour. 

On the back of the LVT 37mm are also two machine gunners who are wearing Mae Wests getting the right shade of yellow is important to me so I built this up with Vallejo Dark Sand and the cut it with Model air yellow to give a worn look.

I hope to have these completed by the end of next week ready for a game and a battle report. Meanwhile here's a video I made about painting the LVT's

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