
23 May 2017

Our Friend Marty.

We're a pretty light-hearted bunch here at Behind Enemy Lines. We love a laugh and never take ourselves too seriously. That's been the key tenet for the BEL Community since day 1....and since day 1 we've always loved and appreciated the support of, what we believe to be, our biggest fan, Mr. Martin Bond.

News reached us today that our mate Marty has unfortunately passed away and we as a group send our heart-felt condolences and sincerest thoughts to his family at this difficult time, especially his beloved daughter and oft-time gaming nemesis, Olivia. We share in your loss.

Martin's passion for gaming was evidenced by his dedication to promoting our hobby through his blog, The Garage Gamers. He loved to game and he loved to talk about gaming with anyone who'd listen. A true gentlemen of the gaming community at large and we are poorer for his passing. 

So, our dear friend Martin, in whichever galaxy you now roam, know that we go with you and you're always in our hearts. We'll miss you man.

- Damo, Dan, Mike and Greg

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