
13 June 2017

Why Has 40k Drawn Us Back?

- with Greg

If you've been listening to Behind Enemy Lines for any length of time you'll know that we haven't been the biggest fans of Games Workshop and their recent works in the gaming area, with possibly the exception of the new release of Blood Bowl.

So why, all of a sudden, have we all gone bat-shit crazy for the new edition of 40k? It's the same company that makes it? Have they really done something completely different or is it something else entirely? Have Dan, Damo and I just gone nucking futs?

It would appear that this time, GW have actually done something really bloody awesome. They have built the hype around this new edition of 40k through a great use of their, previously defunct, social media channels and they've offered what would appear to be a significant amount of value in the new Dark Imperium starter box for a reasonable price!

And that takes all of us back to the heady days of 1993 when the 40k 2nd Edition boxed set came out....remember this bad boy?

And do you remember all the kit you got in the damned thing?!

Now, I remember getting this thing for either my birthday or Christmas in 1993 and thinking that there was just SO MUCH STUFF to play with! It was amazing!

And now, they've gone and done it again...

Essentially, what they've done is appealed to the 13 year old wargamer in me and said "remember that joy....its back!". The amount of toy soldiers in here is phenomenal considering the price you're paying for it.

We've ordered ours through Mighty Ape here in NZ for PP199.90 (Pacific Pesos)...UNDER 200.00!! Now, that may not seem like a lot of value but consider this. Were I to simply buy the rules on their own, I would pay PP99.99 from the same excellent retailer.

That means, for the measly sum of PP100.00, I am getting:

- 22 Primaris Space Marines of all shapes and sizes.
- 31 Death Guard minis, including a freaking Bloat Drone!
- Dice, ruler, decals and basic Codex/Index rules for the forces.

Holy shitballs Batman, that's like PP2.00 per mini with all the dice and stuff as added extras!!!


Never mind that the rules themselves hearken back to the good old days of 2nd Edition which was bloody amazing. Never mind the fact that GW seems to be taking its player base seriously again.

What they have done here is sheer marketing genius! They have the potential here to take a group of gamers with existing models who have been disenfranchised with the recent bullshit of the last few years and entice them back into the fold....

And worse....make them spend money with the company again! THE (PINK) HORROR!!!!

You evil bastards....

Well played.


  1. Totally agree! It would seem someone has lit a fire under GW's ass. They have truly done a 180 with marketing , value, and hype.

    Maybe cause am pissed at their past track record, but mostly it the scale. At some point I went to 20 and 6mm. Now I dread painting 28s. They take 75% longer to paint.

    I can't see myself jumping back in. GW does have a fair chance of getting me back on the crack rock with the titan game.

  2. We're looking forward to the re-release of Adeptus Titanicus as well!

    Given the amount of toys we (Dan, Damo and I) have in so many different scales, the painting doesnt bother me so much as knowing I'm gonna be spending more $$ on GW product eventually!

