
08 September 2017

Tabletop Accessories!

Once again those awesome buggers at Battlekiwi have come out with a product I just couldn't do without! Tabletop accessories are a must have these days and the latest offerings from BK really fill a couple of holes without putting massive holes in your wallet and/or bank account and/or marriage.

And the best part about them... they're healthy for you!! What, you don't believe me? It's right on the packet!

So three new products today for you to take a gander at and then you can head on over to and get your own. 

Tactical Combat Ruler

First up, a neat little widget for your 40k games and would also fit into others as well. The long edge has a 6 inch length with each inch marked out.

There is also a 1/2 inch, 1 inch and 3 inch widget sides as well which is super handy for measuring things like pile in for assaults and distances for being in combat. Very useful and it looks the business as well.

I've ordered mine in opaque red but you can also order this bad boy in Smoke Grey, Fluoro Pink or Fluoro Green. It'll set you back a mere NZ$10.00.

Objective Markers

How often have you turned up to a game and gone "Damn it, I forgot my objective markers!"? Yep, me too.... all the time! Well, no more! With these awesome BK markers you'll WANT to bring them!

You get 6 in the pack for NZ$10.00, all engraved with wicked skulls and ready to be fought over! They come in a choice of Blood Red....

Wound Trackers

Lots of things have many wounds. Don't be that guy that marks the with a D6, picks it up by accident to roll it and forgets how many wounds the damned thing had. No-one likes that guy....

These rotatable counters will do the job for you and look awesome at the same time! Simple to put together and they just looks awesome! I do recommend hitting the number dial with some paint or an ink wash before using them though, just to see the numbers a bit better.

You can get these in either 12 wound or 20 wound varieties, either in MDF or red acrylic. They're priced from between NZ$3.50 and NZ$5.00 each and at the time of writing, if you buy 5 you only pay for 4!

What a deal!!!

So there you have it guys, head on over to Battlekiwi and order yours now! Remember, orders over NZ$75 in NZ ship free and those over NZ$175 will ship free to 'Straya. If you use the code BEL5 at check out, you'll also get a sweet 5% discount!

- Reviewed by Greg on products purchased from Battlekiwi. No freebies here!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent rendering of your likeness on the objective markers Greg!
