
18 February 2019

Flames of War - Great War

"I think a curse should rest on me - because I love this war. I know it's smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment - and yet - I can't help it - I enjoy every second of it." - Winston Churchill

"Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?" - Daniel Daly at the Battle of Belleau Wood.

In 2019, we return to the trenches of Western Europe with a new version of Great War from Battlefront. Over the coming months, a dedicated team here at Behind Enemy Lines is going to take you through the process we take to get our forces battle ready and get some action on the tables for you, both in text and also on YouTube.

Great War gets a new lease on life with the latest updated version bringing Great War into line with the current V4 rules, much the same as the updated 'Nam book. It provides a single volume containing the rules, missions, special rules and force lists to players along with the associated card packs so you should simply be able to pick up your existing Great War forces and start gaming under the new rules. Easy as that!

The new volume contains full lists for the German, British, French, American and Belgian forces taking part in the Great War with new V4 points levels and updated rules. Players who are already familiar with Flames of War should have no trouble getting straight into Great's the same game, just a different war!

As stated, new card packs will be available for the five forces listed to bring existing models into line with the new rules. As well as these, there will be army deals available to get people right into the fight with only a couple of purchases.

The rules contain 13 missions centred around the kinds of conflict seen on the battlefields of Western Europe, including trench fighting. The initial three missions; 'The Big Push', 'Through Mud and Blood' and 'Green Fields Beyond' allow you to fight an almost campaign-style series of battles typical of a Great War operation.

While I won't go into detail on them, the kinds of lists you can expect to field for each of the major nations featured in Great War are:


For the Germans, you will have access to:

- Infanteriekompanie, the stalwart German infantryman and the massive array of support options to assist them in their fight.
- Stosskompanie, the German assault troops combining speed and mobility to get right into the enemy lines.
- Jagerkompanie, veteran German soldiers trained in a range of tactics.
- Siegfriedstellung, the hardened trenches providing greater protection are a facet of the troops in the Siegfried line.

You also have access to support options including the massive A7V tank as well as captured British tanks.


To take the fight to the Hun, British players can employ:

- Line Division Rifle Company, the backbone of His Majesty's forces.
- Elite Division Rifle Company, the more battle-hardened troops able to withstand great punishment.
- ANZAC or Canadian Rifle Company, the forces of the Dominion came forward to take the fight to the enemy.
- Cavalry Squadron, while the tanks may be on the field, the cavalry reigns supreme!

The British also have access to the support of their tanks and mighty artillery.


The French Empire has not been idle in it's defence. Taking to the fields, you'll have:

- Compagnie de Fusiliers, the French rifleman ready to defend their home.
- Colonial Compagnie de Tirailleurs, France's colonies stand ready to fight alongside their masters.
- Escadron de Cavalerie, France's mounted shock troops.
- Compagnie de Fusiliers Russe, France's Russian Foreign Legion, hardy assault troops ready to take the fight deep into the trenches.
- Harlem Hellfighters Rifle Company, African-American troops helping in France's defence. 

France has also developed their own tanks to fight alongside their valiant warriors.

United States

While a late belligerent into the Great War, the Yanks are ready to fight!

- 42nd Infantry Division Rifle Company, the more aggressive troopers of The Rainbow Division.
- 1st Infantry Division Rifle Company, the more tentative but just as ready warriors of The Big Red One.
- 4th Marine Brigade Rifle Company, the Devil Dogs.

US support consists of French equipment having been trained and readied on the new weapons upon arriving in Europe.


Like the French, the Belgians were stalwart in their defence of their lands.

- Compagnie de Infanterie, Belgium's infantry troops stand ready to hold against the Kaiser's forces.

Belgian support will assist them in their defence.

Hopefully this quick article has piqued your interest in Great War. Keep an eye out for up-coming articles about the nations we'll be building forces for!

1 comment:

  1. This blog is really great. The information will surely be of some help to me. Thanks!.

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